Episode 1
How to Become Psychologically Flexible and Thrive with ACT Expert Dr. Diana Hill
How do you set up a psychologically flexible life that's about thriving and taking action toward meaningful goals? How do you know what your values are and how can you use the ACT process of values to flourish? In this first episode of Your Life in Process, Dr. Diana Hill introduces a way of living that’s about turning toward what matters most to you and asks you three provocative questions to explore your values. You will learn how to spot your values in your everyday life, and get a deeper understanding of what it means to live your life “in process”.
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How do you set up a psychologically flexible life?
Dr. Diana Hill:That's about thriving and taking action towards meaningful goals.
Dr. Diana Hill:How do you know what your values are and how can you use your values
Dr. Diana Hill:That's what we're going to discuss today.
Dr. Diana Hill:On the first episode of Your Life in Process.
Dr. Diana Hill:Hi, I'm Dr.
Dr. Diana Hill:Diana Hill.
Dr. Diana Hill:Welcome to this podcast.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm so glad that you made it here.
Dr. Diana Hill:If you've been following me for a while, you've been hearing me talk a lot about
Dr. Diana Hill:If you're a parent or a high achiever, or maybe just someone
Dr. Diana Hill:And if you're new to this podcast, welcome, I'm so glad that you made it.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to think of me as your psychological flexibility guide and
Dr. Diana Hill:ideas from modern psychology, some ideas from wisdom, traditions that you can
Dr. Diana Hill:Psychological flexibility is a term that comes from Acceptance and
Dr. Diana Hill:But the research on it has really been skyrocketing in the past decade.
Dr. Diana Hill:And what psychological flexibility is, is your ability to stay
Dr. Diana Hill:Even when life is challenging, even when you're bombarded by anxious,
Dr. Diana Hill:You continue to be the type of person that you want to be.
Dr. Diana Hill:In this podcast, we'll be exploring some of these core processes of
Dr. Diana Hill:But we'll also be talking to thought leaders and scientists and spiritual
Dr. Diana Hill:I don't want you to think about this podcast as a self-improvement
Dr. Diana Hill:It's not a quick fix because quick fixes are fragile.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's about learning the processes that underlie long lasting change so that you
Dr. Diana Hill:When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a snail.
Dr. Diana Hill:When I grew up, I loved that snails had their homes on their back,
Dr. Diana Hill:And that's what I want this podcast to be for you.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want it to feel like a home to you.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want it to feel comforting and supportive and a place where you
Dr. Diana Hill:And I want you to move at your own pace to make changes in your life so that
Dr. Diana Hill:I believe in the bio-psycho-social model of mental and physical wellness.
Dr. Diana Hill:And what that means is how you eat, how you move, your mindset, your community,
Dr. Diana Hill:So this podcast will offer you avenues along all those different dimensions.
Dr. Diana Hill:We'll be talking about health, we'll be talking about mindset and
Dr. Diana Hill:connections and the places where you get stuck and really where all
Dr. Diana Hill:This is how it's going to work every week.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm going to either have a solo episode or a conversation with somebody.
Dr. Diana Hill:and you can watch some of these conversations on YouTube if
Dr. Diana Hill:And at the end of every episode, you are going to get a practice, a daily
Dr. Diana Hill:The reason why I'm setting it up that way is because there's a couple
Dr. Diana Hill:And maybe you can see if this is true for you.
Dr. Diana Hill:Do you have a tendency of getting really heady about things.
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe you read a book, you get all your ideas, you collect all
Dr. Diana Hill:That's sort of like gathering a bunch of recipes, but never
Dr. Diana Hill:Or maybe you have a tendency of setting these really big
Dr. Diana Hill:Getting super motivated.
Dr. Diana Hill:But then not able to carry them out because it's just too much to take on
Dr. Diana Hill:One of the biggest challenges I see in my work with folks is
Dr. Diana Hill:So in this podcast, you are going to get a roadmap for becoming more
Dr. Diana Hill:And it's going to be slow and steady at your pace.
Dr. Diana Hill:At the end of every podcast, you will get a set of strategies
Dr. Diana Hill:They're going to be small enough that you can do them, but meaningful
Dr. Diana Hill:In today's podcast, we're going to be tackling one of the core processes
Dr. Diana Hill:And that process is my favorite one.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's a place that I often start with folks and it's called values.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'll be exploring with you what values are.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm going to be introducing an exercise to take a look at where values
Dr. Diana Hill:And then at the end, I will be sharing more about why I think psychological
Dr. Diana Hill:why I named this podcast Your Life in Process, and giving you your
Dr. Diana Hill:So stay tuned all the way to the end to get that.
Dr. Diana Hill:All right.
Dr. Diana Hill:Let's get started with values.
Dr. Diana Hill:As I mentioned, psychological flexibility comes from Acceptance and Commitment
Dr. Diana Hill:You have these sort of different sides of the Rubik's cube and
Dr. Diana Hill:And when you work on one it works on the other and they all together
Dr. Diana Hill:We're just going to be focusing on the value side of the Rubik's
Dr. Diana Hill:And over time, we'll be building in the other side of the Rubik's cube.
Dr. Diana Hill:If you want to learn more about psychological flexibility, I have
Dr. Diana Hill:One of the reasons why I start with this process of values with folks is
Dr. Diana Hill:between how you're living your life and how you want to be living your life,
Dr. Diana Hill:In fact, that's one of the reasons why people come to therapy.
Dr. Diana Hill:They often say that something they really care about is going sideways for
Dr. Diana Hill:One of the ways I like to think about values is if I were following you
Dr. Diana Hill:and you were to watch that video at the end of the day, what parts of the
Dr. Diana Hill:Would you really feel like you showed up like the type of person you want
Dr. Diana Hill:Those are clues into your values, to what you care about because values are
Dr. Diana Hill:They're verbs and adverbs that you can do in your daily life.
Dr. Diana Hill:Like being present, being compassionate, being humorous.
Dr. Diana Hill:When I was in graduate school, I had a sticker on my water bottle that said
Dr. Diana Hill:I was researching Dialectical Behavior Therapy for eating disorders at the time.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I spend most of my days working with individuals who were doing
Dr. Diana Hill:them to do to be successful, but they were coming to treatment
Dr. Diana Hill:These were the Olympians of striving and I'd often point to the sticker and
Dr. Diana Hill:if you could harness the energy that you put into battling your body and turned
Dr. Diana Hill:What mountains would you want to climb if you were free to choose?"
Dr. Diana Hill:and that's what values are really about and what I want to ask you,
Dr. Diana Hill:You might be contemplating your own mountain right now so much
Dr. Diana Hill:And what felt so important a few years ago, doesn't feel as important right
Dr. Diana Hill:So today I want you to ask yourself, what is it that you're striving for and where
Dr. Diana Hill:If life is not a maze with end points where you have to start all
Dr. Diana Hill:How do you need to adapt in your life right now?
Dr. Diana Hill:What changes do you need to make so that when you look back on your day, you feel
Dr. Diana Hill:Values are about you harnessing your energy that maybe you've been using
Dr. Diana Hill:You're going to hear me talk a lot about values on this podcast.
Dr. Diana Hill:And it actually may become a little annoying to hear, but there's a
Dr. Diana Hill:What energize you?
Dr. Diana Hill:What keep you afloat when life falls part, and there are going
Dr. Diana Hill:Even when you have nothing left, they're going to be what helps
Dr. Diana Hill:They're both your anchor and your direction.
Dr. Diana Hill:On the podcast today, I'm going to ask you three questions and I want you to
Dr. Diana Hill:They're kind of unusual questions.
Dr. Diana Hill:So stick with me.
Dr. Diana Hill:And at the end, I'll give you a practice that you can apply
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to kind of think of it as going to the store and actually trying on
Dr. Diana Hill:Right?
Dr. Diana Hill:So we're going to try on this pair of jeans and values and
Dr. Diana Hill:That's what I care about.
Dr. Diana Hill:I care about taking these ideas and principles.
Dr. Diana Hill:Have a tremendous amount of research behind them and that until now really
Dr. Diana Hill:As I ask these questions.
Dr. Diana Hill:I just want you to contemplate them for yourself.
Dr. Diana Hill:But after this podcast, I encourage you to sit down and either journal about it
Dr. Diana Hill:It's a really great way to have an intimate and deep
Dr. Diana Hill:When you start talking about values, it really builds intimacy.
Dr. Diana Hill:So share this podcast with someone and make a date to have a values conversation.
Dr. Diana Hill:Hey, this is Diana.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I want to remind you that you can leave a message for me with any
Dr. Diana Hill:I'd love to hear from you and you can also email at podcast
Dr. Diana Hill:Okay.
Dr. Diana Hill:Back to the episode.
Dr. Diana Hill:All right.
Dr. Diana Hill:So here are the three questions that tap into three aspects of
Dr. Diana Hill:And the first question has to do with sweet spots.
Dr. Diana Hill:The concept sweet spot comes from a training that I did with Kelly Wilson.
Dr. Diana Hill:A number of years ago, who's one of the founders of act and he does this
Dr. Diana Hill:books called mindfulness for two it's a great book for therapists,
Dr. Diana Hill:And here's what I want you to do.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to think back over the past.
Dr. Diana Hill:And if you were to just rewind the past week and think about a moment that was
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe you got lost in flow.
Dr. Diana Hill:You know, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi concept of flow when you lose time and
Dr. Diana Hill:Or maybe it's a moment when your heart just got filled up and you
Dr. Diana Hill:So for example, for me as sweet spot, this past week was when my
Dr. Diana Hill:been working really hard at learning how to swim and he's at a different
Dr. Diana Hill:And he was really motivated to face some of his fears because he wanted to
Dr. Diana Hill:And he'd spent a lot of time in the shallow end watching other kids play.
Dr. Diana Hill:So he was really motivated to learn, but it was also really hard for him.
Dr. Diana Hill:And the moment, the sweet spot for me was when he jumped in and then he
Dr. Diana Hill:And then he did like this scan around the pool, looking for me.
Dr. Diana Hill:And when he saw my face, I could see his eyes just light up a little bit.
Dr. Diana Hill:And my heart just melted.
Dr. Diana Hill:It was this moment where I was so proud of him and he knew that I was so
Dr. Diana Hill:I could see that he knew that I was proud.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I could also see how proud he was of himself.
Dr. Diana Hill:So this sweet moment, and you can think about what this sweet
Dr. Diana Hill:I value connection.
Dr. Diana Hill:I value being present.
Dr. Diana Hill:I value being courageous.
Dr. Diana Hill:I also value vulnerability.
Dr. Diana Hill:So when you consider your sweet spot, I want you to first just
Dr. Diana Hill:And then I want you to think about really boil it down to a few values for yourself.
Dr. Diana Hill:What is the sweet spot say about what matters most to you?
Dr. Diana Hill:What are the qualities of action, the descriptions, the verbs and adverbs
Dr. Diana Hill:Okay, so there's your first question.
Dr. Diana Hill:I've done this exercise with a number of people in groups and workshops with
Dr. Diana Hill:And what I find is really helpful for you is to begin to see how your values are
Dr. Diana Hill:We often go about our lives, just skimming the surface without really recognizing or
Dr. Diana Hill:And that takes another side of that rubik's cube called being present that
Dr. Diana Hill:Okay.
Dr. Diana Hill:So here's your second question.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want to ask you again, think back over the past week and this time, I
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe it was a moment that was emotionally difficult.
Dr. Diana Hill:You felt uncomfortable, you felt challenged.
Dr. Diana Hill:There was maybe some friction between you and somebody else
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe you had that sort of impulse to avoid escape, runaway or check out.
Dr. Diana Hill:Oftentimes we're quick to run away from our discomfort and we miss out
Dr. Diana Hill:And when you run away from your discomfort through maybe checking out with substances
Dr. Diana Hill:about things, you're doing something called experiential avoidance, which is
Dr. Diana Hill:It's actually psychological rigidity because it's not
Dr. Diana Hill:And you also miss out on the values that are showing up for you in that.
Dr. Diana Hill:Stephen Hayes who's one of the founders of ACT says that values and
Dr. Diana Hill:What is bothering you often is an arrow pointing to what is important to you.
Dr. Diana Hill:So uncovering your painful spots, you may find that there's
Dr. Diana Hill:It's painful because there's something that matters to you in the discomfort.
Dr. Diana Hill:So for example, for me, in this past week, I've been getting this podcast ready.
Dr. Diana Hill:And it's been pretty darn uncomfortable.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's uncomfortable because I'm putting myself out there in a number of ways.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want to do a good job for you.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want this to be helpful to you, and I don't really know how it's going to go.
Dr. Diana Hill:So my mind has been giving me a pretty hard time, pretty judgmental,
Dr. Diana Hill:All those things that I know your mind does too, when you're taking on
Dr. Diana Hill:And when you look at what's underneath that discomfort, it's really some values.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's my values of wanting to be of service in the world.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's my values of wanting to help people.
Dr. Diana Hill:And it's also my values of, in my relationship with myself of caring for
Dr. Diana Hill:is pretty vulnerable and sometimes our self critic gives us a hard time
Dr. Diana Hill:Right.
Dr. Diana Hill:So when you think about this concept of values and discomfort, and you
Dr. Diana Hill:week, when your pain is dialed up pretty high, there's probably
Dr. Diana Hill:There's a beautiful poem by Mary Oliver, that sometimes I'll have
Dr. Diana Hill:She writes in my sleep, I dreamed this poem.
Dr. Diana Hill:Someone I loved once gave me a box full of.
Dr. Diana Hill:It took me years to understand that this too was a gift.
Dr. Diana Hill:So the question that I want you to ask yourself around this painful moment from
Dr. Diana Hill:What is it pointing to for you?
Dr. Diana Hill:What is the box of darkness and what is the gift inside the box?
Dr. Diana Hill:If you want to live a life that is meaningful and purpose driven, you are
Dr. Diana Hill:helpful to know what your values are so that you can continue to move forward
Dr. Diana Hill:Okay.
Dr. Diana Hill:I said, I was going to give you three questions.
Dr. Diana Hill:And the third question is sort of a, it's a fun one, but it's uncomfortable
Dr. Diana Hill:So we've had sweet spots and we've had painful, uncomfortable
Dr. Diana Hill:And now I want you to look at your envy spots.
Dr. Diana Hill:Envy is probably one of my least favorite emotions.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm a Scorpio.
Dr. Diana Hill:And my mom swears that Scorpios are really jealous.
Dr. Diana Hill:She's a Scorpio too.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I think sometimes we say these things just to explain our behaviors, right.
Dr. Diana Hill:But envy is a great one to tackle with values because when we are psychologically
Dr. Diana Hill:All emotions are welcome here, especially the emotions that we don't like.
Dr. Diana Hill:Instead of getting rid of them or getting rigid around them.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to take a look at it.
Dr. Diana Hill:Let's take a look at your envy.
Dr. Diana Hill:So I want you to consider somebody in your life.
Dr. Diana Hill:It could be a famous person or a friend or a colleague that you
Dr. Diana Hill:It's somebody that you admire and because you admire them,
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe they're doing some things in the world that you wish you could do.
Dr. Diana Hill:Maybe they played big in certain ways that you wish you could play
Dr. Diana Hill:My envy is kind of a funny one.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's linked to one of the people that I really admire and I look
Dr. Diana Hill:She's a meditation teacher and a psychologist, and I've been listening
Dr. Diana Hill:And one of the ways that I feel envy about is that she's really stepped
Dr. Diana Hill:It feels like this bold move that you're kind of not allowed
Dr. Diana Hill:And I really envy that.
Dr. Diana Hill:And you can see how that may link to my values and may actually
Dr. Diana Hill:So I want you to think about this person that you envy and start to look at
Dr. Diana Hill:What is it that they're doing that maybe you want to be doing more of?
Dr. Diana Hill:And then you have another list.
Dr. Diana Hill:So you'll have a list of values that you came up with from your sweet spots.
Dr. Diana Hill:You'll have a list of values that you came up from your
Dr. Diana Hill:And now you have a list of values that you come up with from your envy spots.
Dr. Diana Hill:This last one with envy, I want you to be careful with, because one of
Dr. Diana Hill:spiral with is they can get into their envy and then they do all sort of
Dr. Diana Hill:That's what Buddhist call, a second arrow.
Dr. Diana Hill:When we add another pain to our original.
Dr. Diana Hill:And you do things like maybe you blame yourself or you get bogged down by
Dr. Diana Hill:And then you kind of get lost in the forest as opposed to really being
Dr. Diana Hill:Psychological flexibility is helpful here because it's helpful to kind of
Dr. Diana Hill:And we'll be talking more about some of these other processes of psychological
Dr. Diana Hill:So just notice your stinking thinking as they would say in 12 step programs and
Dr. Diana Hill:So, this is just an example of some of the ways in which we'll be taking deep
Dr. Diana Hill:This is what Your Life in Process is about.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's about ways of being in the world that will help you be the best version of you.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I want to tell you a little bit more about this concept of psychological
Dr. Diana Hill:This whole season, season 1 of the podcast, we're going to be taking
Dr. Diana Hill:So we'll be looking at it through the lens of addiction.
Dr. Diana Hill:We'll be looking at it through the lens of raising kids.
Dr. Diana Hill:We'll be looking at it through the lens of developing a meditation practice.
Dr. Diana Hill:And over the next three months together, I hope that you will be strengthening
Dr. Diana Hill:So the first reason why I think psychological flexibility is such a
Dr. Diana Hill:I was a bio-psychology major in college.
Dr. Diana Hill:I attended a research one university for my graduate training, and I conducted
Dr. Diana Hill:I really believe in research.
Dr. Diana Hill:I really believe in science.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I also believe in science that evolves over time with new information.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to use science to inform your choices.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I also want you to evolve as science evolves and be open to
Dr. Diana Hill:ACT is an approach to living that has been evolving over time.
Dr. Diana Hill:There's been over 650 randomized clinical trials at this point in time.
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm sure it's going to continue to skyrocket demonstrating that when you
Dr. Diana Hill:beneficial for your mental health, your athletic performance, your parenting,
Dr. Diana Hill:For example, during COVID psychological flexibility mitigated the effects of
Dr. Diana Hill:It was associated with better sleep.
Dr. Diana Hill:And if you are a parent who is psychologically flexible, you're less
Dr. Diana Hill:Psychological flexibility is also personal.
Dr. Diana Hill:We can move from the science of thousands to an N of 1, which is just as important.
Dr. Diana Hill:How does this work for you?
Dr. Diana Hill:I first learned about psychological flexibility in my graduate training
Dr. Diana Hill:I was in a cognitive behavioral program at the time.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I had hidden my recovery from an eating disorder from the students in the
Dr. Diana Hill:I was studying something that I clearly had personal reasons to
Dr. Diana Hill:And so in walks Kelly Wilson, he's wearing a t-shirt and.
Dr. Diana Hill:And he started to talk about his own history of addiction, his mental
Dr. Diana Hill:And he cried.
Dr. Diana Hill:He laid it all out there for everybody, and I felt completely humanized.
Dr. Diana Hill:I realized that maybe I could be more fully me while doing the work that I
Dr. Diana Hill:You don't have to hide that you are human.
Dr. Diana Hill:You don't have to hide that you struggle.
Dr. Diana Hill:But rather you can work on your humanness to get to know the
Dr. Diana Hill:You can see yourself through it and be on your own side.
Dr. Diana Hill:And this is personal in that I know that you have struggles,
Dr. Diana Hill:Things that you're addicted to, relationships that are painful for you.
Dr. Diana Hill:Everybody has shame spots, and I know that you have them too, and all is welcome.
Dr. Diana Hill:Here.
Dr. Diana Hill:All is welcome here.
Dr. Diana Hill:So there's a little bit of relief, a little bit of an exhale, knowing
Dr. Diana Hill:Sometimes I have clients tell me that it feels like I'm in their heads.
Dr. Diana Hill:And that is because I am.
Dr. Diana Hill:There's a common humanity to this work.
Dr. Diana Hill:We all struggle.
Dr. Diana Hill:We all have human brains in a modern world.
Dr. Diana Hill:That's a bit of a mismatch evolutionarily for our human brains.
Dr. Diana Hill:I am psychologically inflexible too.
Dr. Diana Hill:Sometimes I think that I'm one of the most psychologically
Dr. Diana Hill:And the strategies that I'm going to talk with you about here will help you so that
Dr. Diana Hill:So the first two aspects of psychological flexibility that are
Dr. Diana Hill:And third, psychological flexibility is process-based.
Dr. Diana Hill:When I decided on the title of this podcast, Your Life in Process, I
Dr. Diana Hill:There's a double meaning to them.
Dr. Diana Hill:The first is related to working in the field of eating disorders
Dr. Diana Hill:It's about process, not the outcome, whether you are starting a new job
Dr. Diana Hill:If you get bogged down by the outcomes, you will lose motivation when the
Dr. Diana Hill:I think about my kids shooting baskets, right?
Dr. Diana Hill:He's a little guy and the basket is really high up.
Dr. Diana Hill:And if he got sidetracked by every basket he missed, he would totally give up.
Dr. Diana Hill:But instead he's focusing on the process.
Dr. Diana Hill:He's focusing on where to put his body, how he's positioning his hand.
Dr. Diana Hill:Is he ending with a little bit of an arch in his fingertips?
Dr. Diana Hill:That's what he's learned from really good coaching.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to have really good coaching as well.
Dr. Diana Hill:When we're thinking about your psychological flexibility, it's
Dr. Diana Hill:So that you don't miss out on the beauty and the journey and you don't give up.
Dr. Diana Hill:I've talked with a number of leaders in the field of psychology, and
Dr. Diana Hill:Process, process, process.
Dr. Diana Hill:If there is a word that will define psychology in the next decade,
Dr. Diana Hill:There was a paper written by Steven Hayes who's one of the co-founders of
Dr. Diana Hill:I'll link to it in the show notes so you can take a look at it if you like, and you
Dr. Diana Hill:What the paper says is that psychology has reached a tipping point, a new paradigm.
Dr. Diana Hill:One that no longer sees people through a lens of a medical model
Dr. Diana Hill:A model that looks for the processes that underlie many of
Dr. Diana Hill:So, for example, you'll hear that mindfulness awareness and
Dr. Diana Hill:You'll hear them in Buddhist psychology.
Dr. Diana Hill:You'll hear an essence of them in Rogerian psychology in DBT or Dialectical
Dr. Diana Hill:And these letters are meaning less and less.
Dr. Diana Hill:What really helps you live well matters more and more.
Dr. Diana Hill:A lot of times I have folks coming in to ask me what type of therapy
Dr. Diana Hill:And I really think that this process based model will eliminate that problem.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's about the processes.
Dr. Diana Hill:Are you stuck in processes like avoiding things or being harsh
Dr. Diana Hill:Or are you engaging in some of those really positive processes?
Dr. Diana Hill:Like being able to take committed action towards what you care about.
Dr. Diana Hill:So I think it's really exciting because once you have this way of
Dr. Diana Hill:And it's something that you can practice and grow over time like
Dr. Diana Hill:And when you practice these psychological processes over
Dr. Diana Hill:This week, you're going to try on the process of values.
Dr. Diana Hill:You're going to practice spotting your values in your life.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I guarantee you, if you do that every day, this week, by the end of
Dr. Diana Hill:It'll start to encode in your brain and your behavior that
Dr. Diana Hill:I'm really excited about this for you.
Dr. Diana Hill:I think it's going to be a different way of living in the world.
Dr. Diana Hill:That's going to help you tremendously.
Dr. Diana Hill:I really do.
Dr. Diana Hill:And that's really my mission for this podcast.
Dr. Diana Hill:Because I want you to be the version of you that you
Dr. Diana Hill:Every week, I'm going to end these episodes with a little bit of a recap.
Dr. Diana Hill:And the fun thing about how I set up these episodes is that
Dr. Diana Hill:So if you're busy and you just want to cut to the chase or in the future,
Dr. Diana Hill:notes and look at the timestamps where everything's been outlined and go
Dr. Diana Hill:All right.
Dr. Diana Hill:So here's what we talked about today.
Dr. Diana Hill:We talked about psychological flexibility as a modern approach to living that
Dr. Diana Hill:And we took a deeper dive into values.
Dr. Diana Hill:I asked you three questions to explore your values.
Dr. Diana Hill:I asked you about a sweet spot.
Dr. Diana Hill:I asked you about a painful spot.
Dr. Diana Hill:And I asked you about your envy spots.
Dr. Diana Hill:And in the end, we talked about the reasons why psychological flexibility
Dr. Diana Hill:It's science-backed.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's personally beneficial.
Dr. Diana Hill:It's process-based and it's something that you can practice and grow.
Dr. Diana Hill:So here's what I'd like for you to do this week.
Dr. Diana Hill:Here's your daily practice to get started.
Dr. Diana Hill:Complete the exercise that we did together with those three questions, either do it
Dr. Diana Hill:about it and see if you can boil down your values to maybe five or 10 words
Dr. Diana Hill:Make a list.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to write it down somewhere where you'll set it.
Dr. Diana Hill:You can put it in the notes section of your phone, you can put it on
Dr. Diana Hill:Heck you could even put it in your email signature.
Dr. Diana Hill:Or share it with me on Instagram at Dr.
Dr. Diana Hill:Diana Hill or put it in the comments section of this episode.
Dr. Diana Hill:I want you to feel like this is a community and we're
Dr. Diana Hill:And then what I want you to do is go about your week , being a bit of
Dr. Diana Hill:Pay attention to when you are acting in line with those values and also see if you
Dr. Diana Hill:Remind yourself what your values are, and then start to act them out in your life.
Dr. Diana Hill:So get your list of values, put them somewhere where you can
Dr. Diana Hill:See where they show up and how you can evoke them.
Dr. Diana Hill:So I'll see you back here on the next episode, which is with Anna Lembke,
Dr. Diana Hill:Can't wait to share.
Dr. Diana Hill:Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Your Life in Process.
Dr. Diana Hill:When you enter your life in process, when you become psychologically
Dr. Diana Hill:If you like this episode or think it would be helpful to somebody, please
Dr. Diana Hill:If you have any questions, you can leave them for me by phone at (805) 457-2776 or
Dr. Diana Hill:And it's not meant to be a substitute for mental health treatment.